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iMobie Any­Trans⁠

iPhone file manager for easy file transfers to Windows and cloud services!

$ 33
$ 44
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Included languages

  • Deutsch
  • English
  • Français
  • Español
  • 日本語

You can't find an Ashampoo product in your language?

Would you prefer to work with an Ashampoo product in your language?

Then use the Ashampoo Translation Studio to edit, translate or mangle all the texts used in the program to your heart's content!

You enjoy translating and would like to provide a translation for your fellow countrymen and countrywomen? Then send your language file by e-mail to translations@ashampoo.com . After a short check your translation will be integrated into the setup of the corresponding program and will be offered for download worldwide.

Ashampoo® Translation Studio Installation Setup

The setup contains the language editor itself and a how-to which explains how-to localise Ashampoo products using the Ashampoo Translation Studio.

Download Language Editor
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